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(1 edit)

Hello RB-D2. I have a question. Why do you make this game? some people said because you felt disappointment with ACE COMBAT: ASSAULT HORIZON, so you determined to make the game yourself. Is it right?

Hey Swordman, That wasn't exactly the reason why I started Project Wingman. It's mainly due to how rare arcade flight games are nowadays and I wanted to spread the love to the genre.

Hope that answered your question.

Thanks :)

Thanks for your reply. And I like your game. It's so great work.

this is awesome!

Hey, giant AC Ps2 fan. Literally my favourite games of all time.

Project Wingman looks great but its unplayable for some reason. Menus and hangar are fine, but in flight the sky is black and there is not light source other than tracers or explosions. It like flying through a black hole. Not sure what's causing it but its pretty frustrating.

i7 3770K

16gb RAM

GTX 960

Win 10 64bit

I get a solid 70+ fps though! Anyone else encounter this? I hope it gets figured out. Good luck with the project.

Hey, This is the first time I've heard of this issue. Could you send me a screenshot on what it looks like?


Will do as soon as I get home. Best I can describe it though is "no light source" other than tracers/explosions/formation lights etc. Its damned impossible to fly.

Here are a few screenshots
Not sure what's causing it, I haven't had any trouble with Unreal before this.

Huh, okay that's interesting. Is the main menu background also black?

Yea its also black. I see tracers and stuff sometimes, I guess its supposed to be an inengine scene?

(2 edits)

Yup, And I think I know whats causing it. I have a feeling it might be a corrupt download/extraction but just in case I'm wrong. Try downloading this file and extract it into the game folder.

But if that doesn't work, have you tried re downloading the game?

The link is only going to be up for a limited time. Please let me know once you've got it.


I want this to be a full game now. Physics are quite good, flight mechanic feels spot on and you can tell there are differences between jets, graphics are decent and performance is great on a GTX970/FX8350 @4.0Ghz/16GB RAM combo (Above 60FPS all the time at 1080p resolution).

AI's are very good mostly at the end of the mission and you can have some really cool dogfights with those nasty F15's.

Things to improve: explosions and overall particle effects (the colour of explosions are not as realistic and look "cartoonish" compared with the rest of the colour palette), sounds could have some more work (but not that are terrible at all, sounds work fine as they are now), the camera sometimes sticks to one side of the jet after a maneuver and you have to move the camera a bit to correct its position (add some fixed cameras to the back of the plane if possible), then the obvious texture work in the bases and cockpit of the planes (but you are working on that so that will be coming).

My major complain though...MORE MISSIONS!! And of course adding more maps/environments and planes/jets. (something that I'm sure you are wanting to do).

The best of luck with this project, it looks great, it plays great and it is fun and up to some points challenging. Great work and can't wait to see more of it in the near future. ;)

Thanks for giving it a playthrough!

I'm currently working hard to make this a full game. Hopefully it becomes a reality for me and you :)

I have been updating the game with more features and improvements and hopefully it improves the game in general with the added features. (Do note that this video is almost 2 months old)


(5 edits)

Hi, nice game.

Some feedback


I would pay $15-20 if you release this right now on Steam as it is. Possibly up to $35 in the future depending on features.

Features Request:

I would like to see a replay viewing feature like in Ace Combat, where you could watch yourself flying the previous game, I watch replay a lot in Ace Combat and was sad to see that game took the feature out

Maybe even a feature where the player doesn't even fly, and could just sit and watch a bunch of AI planes fight from various camera angles, maybe have this view play in the menu background.

Also the loadout screen should display the number of shots each weapon has.

Replay feature is something I would like to try and tackle, but its quite low in the priority unfortunately.

But I do agree just watching planes fly around is cool.

The hangar will certainly get a overhaul at some point. Hopefully I can fit everything into the next demo.

In the mean time here is a video I uploaded a few months ago regarding the feedback from this particular demo.



Corei7 4790K @4.0ghz




You might want to look at your FPS caps. "Unlimited" seemed to place a 60fps lock, whilst on 144hz the FPS jumps to 200+ at the main menu.

Corei7 4790k @ 4.0ghz, 16gbDDR3 RAM, MSI GTX1070.

on "unlimited" (which seems to be a 60fps cap) - 60fps

cap 144hz - 80 - 120 fps avg, with the odd sub-80 dip when things got really hairy.


The gunsight - whilst interesting in design - is too fancy. Search any fighter jet's gunsight and they tend to be rather simplistic; for a lot of jets it's oftentimes a circle with a dot in the centre. I'd suggest either changing it, or taking a page out of War Thunder's book and giving a few options.

just two examples.


With the ability to take up to 3 SP weapons plus missiles, the ability to scroll back and forth between your weapons is paramount. Left and right are unused on the D-Pad, so that's an option.

The ability to "double up" and take extra ammo for weapons is actually well-implemented, and the fact you'll also be taking extra shots is cleverly executed.


Knowing how many of each weapon I have available to fire would be useful. eg, I get 3 SUGBs in the F-15 but depending on what I equip only one on the F-18.

Leading on, some kind of reload timer would be useful. Some suggestions - replace the oversized ammo count with a more detailed ammo count - eg. if I have XMAAs selected it'll tell me how many I have left to shoot alongside a timer for the next missile to reload. So a few ideas, with 4x XMAA:


COUNT - 19


RELOAD - 0.76s



COUNT - 19


RELOAD - 0.76s



note - [/\] - weapon loaded, [_] - weapon empty.

In both cases, the reload timer could also be replaced by a horizontal bar running in the background of the ready counter. HAWX and Ace Combat both tend to have a way to visually identify how long until a weapon is reloaded. A count of how many of each weapon is loaded shouldn't be too difficult, as the game is clearly capable of distinguishing between 4 and 6 XMAAs when I took a double shot of XMAAs in the F-15 in one sortie and XMAA / QAAM in another.

I say this because I spend a lot of time in the 1st person view, so I lack the visual aid from the 3rd person view most of the time.

In addition to joystick support, would head tracking be implemented at some point as well? I have a trackhat clip so if you need someone to test on that end, I'm happy to help.

Hello XandreUK!

Thanks for notifying me about the FPS limiter bug. I wasn't aware of that until now. I'll be sure to address that in the next build.

On to the gameplay feedback, I'm happy to say that most of them has actually been addressed. Not necessarily polished features or anything, but they are there for now.

As for Joystick support, I am currently in the R&D phase of that so I hope I can figure it out in time to implement it.

As for headtrack support I have yet to dive into that one. I'll certainly let you know if I need testers for headtracking.


I liked the version very much. 21:9 support is great!

My Specs are:

i7 4770k @ 4.5 GHz, GTX 1080 Strix Advanced Edition

Tested resolutions:

2560x1080 ~67 FPS //The game doesnt seem to make any difference between looking in the sky and being in combat

3440x1440 ~47 FPS //Seems to be scaling well but at higher resolutions AA is not needed ;)

I think the engine is handling just fine!

I would suggest some things: (some things are pretty obvious but meantioning them wont hurt)

1. Please introduce joystick support + any key mapping. (even for an arcade style game joystick support is just taking it to a whole new level)

2. Either I didnt found it or you need to give the player an option for deploying Flares.(eventhough the AI has them) I think it would be a good idea to have different kinds of countermeasures against different types of missiles (like ECM or something).

3. If you are going for something like HAWX or ace combat variety is very important, get as many different planes and locations as you can possibly get in there.

4. Don't be afraid to make the game a bit harder and try to introduce some different difficulty options.

5. A "safe mode off" feature where you have better turn ratios but less precision would be amazing.

6. Yet again correct me if I am wrong but selected enemies should be marked on the map/radar.

7. An advanced graphics options menu would be very important since depending on hardware some features just eat performance (e.g. AA at high resolutions).

8. Weaponary types should be explaned in the menu.

9. The menu should be compatible with gamepad.

If I come up with something I let you know (if you want my advice ;D).

Keep up the great work!

I just found out that both the gpu and the cpu are not working at full potential eventhough the fps limiter is on unlimited.

(1 edit)

Hi INSERT, Thanks for giving it a play through!

Good to hear that 21:9 resolution works nicely :)

Rebindable controls and possibly joystick support is something I will work on in the future.

Flares will go under a major revision sometime in the future. I did go a bit overkill on the flares for the enemy (though they dont actually do much). I'll work on it further eventually.

Variety is definitely something that will be increased as I make more assets :)

Difficulty will certainly be worked on in the future.

I'm still considering the possibility of including a AoA unlimiter. I've rewritten the flying code a little bit so it may pave the way for that feature in the future. Not confirmed yet though.

The enemy selection is already visible on the radar though it is rather vague by just blinking on and off. I'll work on making it more intuitive in the future.

I'm aware of all the menu suggestions, I'll bring something like that the further I get into development.

As for your FPS limiter, I've just been informed that there's apparently a bug with the "Unlimited" option. Try setting it to "144" as that will limit your fps to the value of 144.

Thank you!

I also uploaded a video on some of the feedback that came in for this particular demo a few months ago :)

(1 edit)

Wow thats a huge iprovement !!

I already adore the new hud gives all the information you need while being not overly intrusive. Will the shown version be available on itch for further testing? If so when will that be, because I would play the heck out of the night mission and the SU 27 :D

I just figured you could give some coparable stats to every plane in terms of manuverability, speed, and weapons capability as well as their function in real life ;).

Edit: maybe its a SU 35/37 I cant really tell :D

(1 edit)

Oh definitely! The hangar will most likely receive an overhaul at some point as I'm not too happy with it at the moment.

New demo will come in due time. :)

(It's a Su-27)


Thanks for the answer :)

I will eagerly await the new version! (and the SU27 thank you for the hint).

For now I will play the demo more. If I find something I will let you know.

va te faire foutre

men you job is amazing i a real fan of simulatos, shame in my country i not cant contribute to you but i say this is amazing ..... no words

the best

First off, this game is amazing. Something i would like to see, however, is some kind of stats, utility or mechanics box for each plane and missile type, showing what they do and their other capabilities. Also, either a helicopter or some kind of VTOL plane like the Harrier or the F-35 would be soooo cool. Maybe also a option to be in a gunship such as an AC-130? thanks and keep up the great work.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Missile stats display is planned for the next version of the game! Hopefully you will be able to see the stats and what the type of missile does in the next version of the game in the hangar screen.

Unfortunately, at the moment I will be focusing on conventional fighter jets. If I have the time I will most likely make the non-VTOL version of the F-35.

Thank you!

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

So off the bat I'm in love with this project. I downloaded the game because I'm so intrigued since it's very reminiscent of Ace Combat and I gotta say there is so much potential here. I fully intend on donating to your project in the near future because you're just that awesome. Now I know this is in it's very early stages and that this project may be a side endeavour but here are some of my Ideas or suggestions if you will for the long run. A lot of these suggestions are on the more realistic side of things and i'm not sure if that's the path you are going on. Hopefully you go into a Arcade/Simulator path like Warthunder (Air) versus full out Arcade games but this is your project that you're putting money, time and talent into, not me. Perhaps these could be implemented in a "Hardcore" mode or something but basically this is stuff I wish Ace Combat has done in the past but they never have xD. Anyway here I go

*These are some feedback suggestions for the current version of your Alpha - 0.2.1109 that could be implemented in the next one*

- Possibly reduce the size of explosions on the ground when a target is killed to a more realistic size. They're way to large in my honest opinion. (Unless this is a game engine thing)
- Possibly slightly reduce the size of some HUD elements such as the targeting shapes around allies and enemies, they can be very obstructive especially when there are so many assets at once. (AC also suffered from this)
- Slightly decrease explosion sounds for exterior
- Make the explosion sounds for the interior much quieter
- Make the camera zooming in and out when slowing down and increasing optional
- | IGNORE THIS | Possibly adjust the physics of pulling back on the stick (Pitch). Its too UFO - like, like AC. Then again, I'm not sure how tight real fighter Jets can turn. | IGNORE THIS |

So far that's all I've felt that needed a look over. I'm so impressed with this project especially the sound design so far for the explosions and missiles and such.

*These are some ideas I'd thought would be interesting. Of course for the future if you're even interested*

- Somehow implement an actual throttle with levels of thrust rather than just the classical holding the trigger/bumper to after burn and not holding it at all to fly a neutral speed. Id love to have control of my engine rather than *No trigger 50% neutral* and *Press trigger 100% After burn*
- Again, I'm not going to even question your sound design because so far it's incredible (minus some jet sounds of course. I know, it's early as hell) One thing I would love to see though is some kind of mechanic where the sound travels at its correct speed. So the time the sound would take to reach you is relative to how far you are from the source. I admit I know nothing of acoustics and physics so I'm not sure if that will even matter.
- In the future when you start modelling the cock pit and it's features, Id love to see all applicable information WITHIN the Heads Up Display glass and not outside of it like Ace Combat and other Arcade games have always done...
^ Yes
^ No
But that's all I've got for now thanks for reading I wish you the best on your project! Looking forward to updates and don't worry I will be sending funds over soon. I'm so happy with what you're doing and please consider my ideas lightly, this is your game not mine. :D

Sorry I forgot to add my specifications for my PC
Average FPS is a constant 63 but sometimes dips to 59 pretty much irrelevant.
GPU: Zotac GTX 970 Amp Extreme Edition (Over clocked manually, forgot what I OC'd to)
CPU: Intel i7 4790K 4Ghz (OC'd as well but forgot what again xD )
8GB Ram


Thank you for the detailed feedback!

Most of your concerns regarding this particular version of the game will at one point will be addressed during the polish stage of the game.

The throttle idea you mentioned might be interesting to implement. I'll put that in the backburner list for now and offer it as an option. Hopefully I will have time to implement that in the future.

As for the 3D projection HUD system, I don't think i'll be doing anything like that (sorry). I do agree it's a really cool concept but I'm sticking to the arcadish layout in general. However, I do have an idea that is a little bit different to what you're thinking but similar idea. Hopefully I can show it off in a few weeks with a new cockpit.


Thanks so much for the response! Anything you do in this game I will be happy with. I literally cant complain because we finally have an Ace Combat - like game on PC. Yay! Thank you, thank you.

Im missing a thing called: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0,dll

Can someone help me where do I get it?

After a little googling it seems like missing a C++ Redist from microsoft is the cause. I would advise to download it through this link

Please let me know if this fix works.


Awesome game so far! It looks nice playing it on a low end laptop. I got about 15 to 30 on low settings. I noticed the Tomcat's tailerons move up and down correctly but when they turn on banking they deflect way too much. If you reduce the deflection on banking it would look better. Also I noticed that when you accelerate, the airbrakes deploy slightly before the afterburner kicks in. I know this is alpha, but something to fix before it goes unnoticed. :3 But good job on it overall so far. Just wish I could fiddle around with the painjobs but seeing as this is early its locked out reasonably I suppose. This should entertain me for a while until the next release.

just right

deflection too much

Thanks, I do agree that the deflection during rolls are a bit too much on some planes. I plan to fix that in the future when I have time to revise it again.

what is the minimum requirment?

Right now, Anything that can run DX10 games should technically be able to run it. I can't say anything about the performance at the moment though.

Loving the game!! Btw... you may get better frames if u find a way to add Occlusion or Visual Culling to the game, which doesn't render objects in the view leading to less RAM usage. Just saying.. cant wait for what comes next ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Very cool game, and free! I get around 30-40fps with low settings.

i7 5500u

GTX 950m


Windows 10 64-bit

(2 edits)

I love it too!

I'm assuming the F-14 is a more recent addition, because compared to all of the other planes(f-15, mig-31) it's really not very fun to fly. It rolls much slower than all of the others and doesn't enjoy doing negative Gs and it's speed (I think) is a little less than the mig-31(which is better in a turn-fight).

I'm really nitpicking at this point, but I feel the missile launch sound should be somewhat more urgent sounding and the camera movement with my analogue stick does not feel as some as the ace combat games.

I'm surprised this game flew under my radar for so long! I'm really liking it so far! Are there any plans for some sort of kickstarter or something?

Some kind of Crowdfunding is something I'd like to do in the future to fund the game further. Hopefully it will happen at some point in 2017.


All of those points you raised about the F-14 are true to life. Long negative G runs were actually prohibited by the USAF., the F-14 was a big plane and not necessarily the most agile, but I think it was still more agile than a MiG 31. To my knowledge the only production jets faster than a MiG31 were a MiG25 in afterburner and an SR-71. The only other faster jets tended to be the experimental ones. And as for the MiG25, getting it that fast tended to involve wrecking the engines in the process.

cool game I'm still lookin into it

I like it.

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