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After starting scenario or conquest game crash

(2 edits)

You've done it again with another fantastic update.

I'm running out of nice things to say about this game. Even if the actual playable content in this update is largely the same as the previous one, it still feels like a distinct step up in quality. The game already felt stable, and aside from one bug (that I'll mention later) I ran into no issues with this version either. Performance-wise I don't really know whether this demo really changed much (I got a couple of drops below 60 fps that I didn't notice before, but on the whole it was still very smooth at max settings), but in general I really liked this update just like all the ones before it. Great work!

First touching on the positives: I like the changes to conquest mode. The unified hangar with the scenarios is a big plus, as well as adding proper mouse support to the Conquest menu. Shifting it to air-to-air only makes sense, because honestly I only ever went for the air targets in the previous version anyway since the ground targets were so spread out. If you do add multirole modes to Conquest in the future, I would recommend grouping the ground targets up in bases and outposts that are actually worth the time to fly to and destroy, or maybe convoys of vehicles moving around the map would be cool. I'm sure you have plenty of ideas on that front. Also, the change to the final boss feels good IMO. I tried soloing the final Conquest mission a couple of times in the previous version and the virtually aimbot hitscan railguns nailed me with their entire volley both times no matter how hard I dodged, so the slowdown to the projectiles was a good call I think. They might even be a tiny bit too slow now, since I have yet to be hit by them after the change, but I haven't done a solo run yet so maybe they're actually good enough as is (plus, as soon as they spawned I was looping like a maniac, and I was using the Hornet, so I might not have given them a proper chance). Also, I like the updates to the sound design: The pings of bullet impacts are a very good touch.

Biggest plus for me: the guns. Just yes. I've only actually been hit by an AI fighter's gun one time, but from an aesthetic perspective alone they make a world of difference. Dogfights feel more dynamic and exciting, and it makes things look really cinematic sometimes when you look into a big tangle of fighters and see tracers going everywhere. Really glad you added this.

Now for cons: not much really. The only bug I ran into was a case of a fighter diving a few thousand feet underground on Operation Blackout (but it came back, so it's not a full game-breaker). Otherwise, I don't really have anything to complain about in this one (aside from maybe the same comment on the AA guns that I mentioned last time; they still don't feel like a very big threat). The only suggestion I would really make is one that was mentioned already by someone else: A more defined jet roar when other fighters pass you would really add to the immersive feeling of the game, as well as being able to hear the enemy's gun when they do a close pass.

That's all I've got. Great work again to you and your team, and I will be eagerly awaiting the 1.0 release in May.

As a parting note, here's a little montage I made as a bit of a tribute to the new demo. Keep up the great work!

I love this game. After playing Ace Combat 7 for myself, I am so happy this game exists. The things I have been praying to see in Ace Combat 7 don't appear like they will make it to the game. But Project Wingman has them and then some. What is being done with the HUD is my absolute favorite feature. I love being able to turn off almost everything and just go completely triangle hold. I really think that if the minimalist HUD had a small (life-like) medium and large option it would be perfect.

The AI is finally perfect in my point of view. Having the enemy try to nail you with cheap cannon shots before the merge is so satisfying. It seems hyper real. I love the accuracy of the AA from the HVT. Now keeping my distance is actually in my thought process while engaging them. Instead of just oh here we go again with these guys. I especially enjoy learning the different styles brought by specific formations. This game has gotten so deep and I can't believe its come so far. 

The only things I think still needs some polish are the graphics. In this update I don't know whether I like how the F-18 looks in the hanger, something just feels off about it like the textures are too soft. The SU and the Viggen dont give me that vibe. IDK. But I think the motion blur needs to be per object having it blur the hud too doesn't really work for me so Its been off practically since 0.3. I think the font of the subtitles needs some help. But besides those minor gripes. I love the game. Would purchase on multiple platforms even if it released in this form with only a few more jets. Thank you for the hard work. 

PS. Post processing is messing with the textures on the F-18. It looked better in the previous launch. But I think the frame rate is higher in the new version. 

OS Window 7

dualshock 4 controller with DS4window v1.5.8

I was able to use my controller during setting up the game in setting menu for the first time launching the game. However, I accidentally closed the DS4window and the controller disconnected. After connect the controller back, the controller doesn't work on the game anymore even i installed the game and DS4window. Is there anything wrong or did i missed anything?

Try inputmapper

It works with IM!

thank you so much for the help

Feels like game died after kickstarter. No twitter posts, no replies. Looks like will have to wait for ac7 after all =(

Check out the discord.

just came here to say i love the demo and cant wait to buy this game its simply perfect (this coming from the guy who still has F16 mrf installed on his pc) the game works brilliantly on my system so issue's encountered at all (ryzen 1700, gtx 1080, 16 gb ram ) will be doing a 4k run this weekend. and yes i'm recommending this game to all my friends (all 3 of them [just kidding) hope to see a co op and custom match mode it would simply let me and my friends have a blast. if you are considering co op please dont limit it to just 2 or 4 players make it so 16 or even 32 players can dish out some serious pain on the enemy bots and give us the ability to control the waves and the number of bots per wave or even have multiple objectives like base bombing or distant sam site raids so that it doesn't get monotonous in a single match. but from what ive seen till now you have managed to keep the base assault mission pretty well balanced with various objectives so cheers mate.

(1 edit)

GTX 1080Ti low gpu utilization when used with X360CE Emulator with MS Sidewinder FF2 Joystick  and FFB Vibration active.

Hi I Have Low GPU Utilization (GTX 1080Ti) and Between 42 - 50 fps when i use X360ce.exe (xbox 360 Gamepad Emulator) with this game, if i delete X360 Emulator files of folder of the game, or relaunch de x360ce emulator after the game launch the FPS is unlocked to 90 - 120 fps but the vibration disappear. 

I want joystick ffb vibration and unlocked fps at the same time.

How i can fix this problem ?

You could try mapping the controller inside steam as a gamepad. And then launch the project wingman.exe from the steam library. 

(3 edits)

I use MS Side Winder FF2 joystick with the x360ce for the vibration in afterburner flight because this joystick have forcefeedback. If I open the emulator file again after the game launch this retain mapping axes and buttons (and works good), the 42-55 fps lock disappear but the FFB vibration disappear too. I like have FFB vibration and unlocked fps at the same time. Look like of the x360ce emulator lock the fps to 42-50 fps when vibration is active. And I don't know how fix this.

is there any way i can get the soundtrack for this game? please reply to this comment if developer and can help

(4 edits)

FIRST  i thank the Developer for this masterpiece.

PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME PLAY IT!!!! Icannot Open the exefile.

My PC:  i7 CPU 920; 2x 2,67; Turbo.       8GB Ram.   Win10. DirectX12.  Asus  NVIDIA GeForce 720.

This Computer is exactly 4 Days Old!!!

What i have done:

- Defender and Firewall Down ( exeption for exe file added in prior, but still not opening)

- In Regedit as Admin, i checked value for exefile in ROOT folder , i also checked the "%1"%* in the subfolder exfile 

- Cmd run as admin then set user to admin.

-i tried the compatibility as Win8 for the exefile...

- XAPOFX1_5.dll was asked at first, then i installed both versions 32bits and 64bits in both Windows folder.  After that came the error 0xc000007b.

-Following the 0x000007b opening problem,I came on a post saying to add many dll files like (mfc100.dll-mfc 100u.dll-msvcp 100.dll-msvcr100.dll-msvcr_clr0400.dll-xinput1_3.dll) into the Win32 folder and also the 64bits version of the 4 last dll files above into the Win64 folder.

After that i started the exefile and was promt to download U4 Prerequesite : ( Netframework 4 and Directx...)

Then nothing.

- I read somewhere to uninstall all Microsoft visual c++, i reinstall. I did it then, the computer was not working well anymore, while trying to open other exefiles.

- I was obligated to completely reinstalle my Win10 

- Win10  new again and i am back to square one with the first problem: XAPOFX1_5.dll missing.

- I have tried many thing from the Internet, still not opening that Project wigman file.  

Same thing happening on my Gaming Laptop: i5 CPU 8gen,  16GB Ram, 1 TB Ram,  Intel UHD 620 Graph. Card, Win10

THis Gaming Laptop is also 4 days old.

So how do get out of this s*****

I appreciate your help.


install UE4 prerequisites.     qui download  file,,,,

hi, the files you mention take them from the internet (google search) XAPOFX1_5.dll 32 and 64 bit depending on your system, or both and put them in the c: \ windows \ system32 folders and also in c: \ windows \ sysWOW64 and see if it solves the problem ,,, regarding vcredit take care to have on the pc vcredit 2012-2013-2015 32 and 64 bit

if, then, you should close ajuntive dll always take them from the site with the search and put them in the folder of the game where you have executable .exe of the game

ciao spero ti risolva :))

Thank you both for your Help.

It finally works. I downloaded the XAPOFX1_5 and then i downloaded a new copy of the Game and started it.

Amazing game, been looking for a good combat flight sim for a while and this has fulfilled that need ten times over even though it's just a demo so far!

I love this game its so well put together some minor things could be put in like checkpoints(need those) but all together its a really good game

Really amazing game! Unguided rockets work surprisingly well against air targets, and it's extremely fun using guns without the lead pip! I just wish I had some kind of headtrack gear and the experience would be perfect.


WOW!!!! What a great game! I can't wait to see how it grows. Thank you for implementing support for flight sticks right from the start, and making such an accessible modern flight sim style game. I am a hardcore flight sim fan. Been playing flight sims since MS flight sim 1.0 and have played them all. This is excellent work!!!

You have single handedly restored my faith in Flight Sim developers.

The game is gourgeous. The only thing i cannot solve is the movement of the camera, I play with keyboard and mouse, i changed the settings of the movement controls but i can't unbind the camera. 

u can play better with ps4 controller rather than mouse and keyboard, just like u play ac in playstation

i don't have a ps4 lol, i bought the computer instead ;)

Amazing. I love how joystick controls are available but keyboard controls aren't just shat on. Smooth and easy to use. Intuitive. Took me about 30 seconds to get the controls down. Very fun. Great music too.

The weather in this game is so fantastic.  The tension of going from blue sky above the clouds to the dark storm below the cloud layer is so thrilling.

hiiii i am request to play game with to steam on origins key

(9 edits)

Really good looking game and specially Hard difficulty is very thrilling when you play in cockpit view :)

only 2-4  suggestions from my side:

try to put clear reflection on those cockpit mirrors, so you can see who is on your tail and include a pilot inside for cockpit view and animation pilot's hands using throttle and flight stick. Finally last and  a big one :  an airfield, you taxi out of hanger to runway, and take off, and after mission is completed you land your jet :)
Overall very good looking game and i'm hoping you will become one of the best developers of  air combat genre games, well you are half way there! :)

it would be nice if we can change the livery and color scheme of the aircraft. or is that already being planned on being integrated in the future?

There'll be plenty of camo, stealth and anime livery in the finished game


Gameplay Brazilian

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey devs, as someone who has graduated from playing the old Ace Combat games on PS2 to getting into flight sims such as DCS World and what have you not, I absolutely love that I have found a modern arcade flight combat game! There's nothing like being able to start up the game and get to blowing things up. No busy or technical work that takes hours of time and practice to get right.

This game looks and feels amazing. I will say that I agree with a few other users here when it comes to simple immersion or user-ease factors such as better audio, less HUD elements (this could be as simple as making it an option to be disabled, so players who wanted them could keep them and those who don't could just untick the box), maybe more realistic radio traffic, etc. And I know that single player is the primary emphasis right now, but PVP and coop would both be amazing.

I can't wait to see what VR will look like and it'd be great if I could get head tracking running with my ED Tracker + Opentrack. I haven't found a way to do that yet (can't bind the view axes in the settings menu) but support would be appreciated.

 I understand there's a lot of work to still be done, but I'm definitely happy with what I'm seeing!

ottimo davvero very good funziona con tutti i tipi di gamepad

se si usa x360ce_64 dopo bisogna settare il controller nei due settori

1) key binding e settare i comandi a fianco delle lettere della tastiera NO le lettere ma la relativa finestra a fianco o sotto e impostare i tasti del controller

2) andare su axix binding e completare  i settaggi del gamepad controller


1 word: Great. 

Anyway, when's the next version coming out? Like 2 see the full version of conquest. Answer PLZ!

EPIC!!! This game is awesome......11/10 easy. I love the fact that it makes me feel like an instant badass!!! should this ever release, i wanna be first in line.....


RB, this game is awesome. If this gets released on Steam as a F2P, it might get hit as hard as fortnite did. (Millions of downloads)

This game is absolutely amazing. If it's not already part of your plan, you should add multiplayer and maybe voice chat? So it will be as realistic as possible. I would buy it instantly. 10/10

Hi devs,

Just a suggestion in terms of the audio immersion. It would be great if there can be more radio chatter among the pilots in the game to give that sense where we are not just flying against machines, but rather "people" with characters. I've included my video here to see if this idea sits well (I used the AC0 soundtrack in this video, please don't sue me)

Also I find it a little anti-climatic when you do a head-on fly pass with another fighter and there isn't an audible jet roar. The jet roars would really give it a sense of immersion and chaos as the air battle rages on.

Other than that, the game is really looking good and I'm enjoying it. The difficulty level of enemy fighters in conquest is just to my liking . The difficulty of the enemy airships leave a little to be desired. Perhaps the guns on the airship do a little more damage?

Hi devs,

I'm available if you need a portuguese-translation.

Anyways, good work!


I think we need allies command in this game like ac zero, btw good game INSTA BUY on release 

Hi Devs,
I'm available if you need a french-translation. Thanks & congrats for your work!


I downloaded and try this game for the first time and I can say, it only took 30s into the first mission to send chills down my spine. Great work!

Although, i have a little trouble with game setting. I have a 1280x1024 monitor and wished to play on 1280x720 resolution (16:9) but the games stays at some 4:3 resolution, something 1000x800-ish

Btw, is the graphic really this demanding? I use gtx1050ti and had to play on low-mid setting for the gpu to not fry itself.

(1 edit)

the game runs on Unreal Engine 4. the 1050 Ti might have enough horsepower for it to be maxed out at 720p or at 1080p with some settings turned down a tad.  you can probably max it out with 1280 x 1024, unless your case doesn't have enough airflow. 

i run it on a 1060 Ti at 1080p with everything set to the max and i get a solid 60 throughout with V-Sync on even in the midst of a multi-plane clusterfuck in Conquest.

I love the latest Conquest mode is moar fun and challenging, the alert sound like a music in my ear ,I love it.


(1 edit) (+1)

Some things i'd like to suggest. If possible, make buttons like throttle, yaw and map be pressure sensitive for controller. With that when enlarging the map make it static instead of rotate along with showing the entire map. Could also color code enemies on the map to represent their health. Also this is just something that I noticed but there seems to be a slightly overwhelming amount of enemy fighters shooting at you at times and I would assume that's why we have a flare feature. My problem is that it makes no sense as enemy fighters don't use flares so it makes it seem like a bit of an unfair advantage. I'd say balance out the amount of enemy fighters and get rid of flares entirely. If that makes it sound too easy I noticed something else. SAMs are almost a non issue as they're nowhere near as aggressive as they should be. Possibly tweak the sam ai so they actually become a threat. Hope this helps.

Well, enemy fighters do have flares and they do not hesitate to use them -- it's that theirs simply don't work. Right now the game is not very well balanced and needs lots of polishing in the future.

(2 edits)

Hey, it's really an excellent game until now. Except I have some trouble with the padlock, I have to keep pressing the key to keep the padlock on, it's inconvenient. So can you set the padlock as the 4th view or use another key to turn on padlock by clicking once? By the way, will there be a multiplayer mode in the future?

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